Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We are the Champions

So if I knew how to put music on this thing, that would be the song I'd be playing today. Cause that's what the Nationals are...State Champions! So, close your eyes and pretend Freddie Mercury is belting out those famous lyrics, my friends.

The game was in a word AWESOME! We came out of the gate and scored 6 runs and shut out Gardendale in the first inning. In the second, we put an additional 7 runs on the board and then there was no turning back. The final score was 25-10 in 5 innings. It was a great ending to a very happy birthday for me. Thanks to everyone who came out to lend their support and thanks to those who didn't show up because they had been banned from the park. I won't mention any names, but her initials are Tesney D. The only game we lost in the post season Tesney was in attendance so we barred her from any more games. Tes, I am sorry that you missed this, though.

My only regret from the tournament - not getting a picture of the redneck megaphone one of the opposing teams moms was using to cheer on her team. It was a what appeared to be the inside cardboard of a rather large roll of wrapping paper. It was about four foot long and had a crook on the end. She would cheer on her team and then turn around to the stands to lead them in an organized cheer all the while being very careful not to warp someone in the head. Obviously she was reliving some fantasy of being head cheerleader for her high school football team. It was a sight.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Maddie - The Preschooler

With all of the baseball that has been going on over the last month I almost forgot to document Madison's first day of preschool. Here's a picture of the big girl and her big brother getting ready to leave the house.

I knew she would love being there with other kids her age. I knew she would love playing and going on the play ground. I knew she would love playing dress-up and watching Holly, the parakeet. I wasn't expecting her to tell me that she wasn't ready to leave when I went to pick her up. Guess that's how you know they really enjoy it! She is having a blast.

I am not sure if this picture says "OK, enough with the camera already" or "This getting up early for preschool is rough" or "Hey, I am a monkey". Either way it made me laugh.

On a baseball note, we play for the 5 year old State Championship tonight. So excited, can't wait! Of course if it is anything like it was yesterday, I might need a room at Bryce! Wish us luck!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Northport Nationals

We had our first All Star Tournament this past weekend. Things didn't start out very good. But we came back and tied the game up in the bottom of the sixth inning. The next inning Walker County scored two runs to beat us 17-15. The Nationals played two games Saturday and won both games. Then Sunday we had to play Walker County twice in order to win the whole thing. Big Blue came out strong in the first game to win 25-11. And the second game of the doubleheader was even better. Something just clicked and we played like we have been playing ball together all year. The final score was 22-0 in four innings! There were double plays, fly balls caught, good base running and the bats were as hot as the weather. It was a great ending to a wonderful Father's Day. The guys (and girl) were so excited about getting their trophies and playing in the tent sprinklers. Here are the pictures from the tournament. Click on the album to get a better view and then click on the right if you want to download any of them.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Look what's on our front door

About a month ago a momma bird made her home in the flower arrangement on our front door. We have enjoyed watching the nest as these four ugly, naked, alien-like creatures have grown up to become full feathered, beautiful little birds. Now we can no longer use our front door for fear that we will have them learn to fly in our living room. It's a small price to pay to have my kids witness one of God's many miracles.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Going back to Cali...Cali...Cali

Nah, I don't think so. We've just gotten over the last Cali trip. It's one of those places that make you appreciate where your from. I mean they don't have ANY sweet tea or county music!!! The lyrics to that Hank song "If Heaven ain't a lot like Dixie" come to mind. I really don't know how I survived. I LIVE on sweeeeet tea and their idea of sweet tea was this raspberry flavored tea-like water. I told the waiter that what he had brought me was raspberry tea and not sweet tea, and he looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language! From then on I stuck with Dr. Pepper (when available) or Coke. You can never go wrong with Coke.

But seriously, we had a great trip. The wedding was beautiful. The kids had loads of fun. Madison and Cassandra (the grooms niece) had so much fun being flower girls that they decided going down the aisle once wasn't enough, so when they got to the front they turned around and went back to do it all over AGAIN! Too funny! Besides the couple of hours in the ER for Madison's dislocated elbow everything thing was great. The first thing Jacob said when we landed in Birmingham was that he missed Aunt Jo Jo.

Here are some pictures I took during the festivities.