Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Clown Strikes Again

Madison was out all last week with the stomach virus, as most of her class was. This is the first day that she has been back at school for 6 school days. My older sister came in from San Francisco last Sunday for a week long visit and she stayed with us the following two nights.

Today as Madison and I (Daddy) were going to school, we had the following conversation:

Maddie: Who gonna stay with JoJo (my sister, JoLene)
Daddy: No one, baby. She is old enough to stay by herself.
Maddie: No she not.
Daddy: Yes, baby, she is older than daddy is.
Maddie: But she not old enough to stay by herself.
Daddy: Yes, baby, she is.
Maddie: No she not. She not reach the batteries.
Daddy (holding back laughter): She can't reach the batteries?
Maddie: No.
Daddy: So she is not old enough because she cannot reach the batteries?
Maddie: No
Daddy: What about mommy? Jacob? Gum? Poppa? Grand?
Maddie: No. No. No. No. No. I not old enough enough either.
Daddy: So daddy is the only one old enough to stay by himself.
Maddie: Yes.

And with that we ended up at Preschool. Just another slice of the comedic talent from our two year old.