Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Where would you put it?

During the summer months our church doesn't have a children's church program, which means that all of the little kiddies get to go to big church. Besides trying to keep them quietly entertained, I am also trying to get them involved in the whole big experience in some little ways they can hopefully understand. Like letting them put money in the collection plate and explaining to them that they are giving their money to God. I have been giving them each a dollar to hold on to and at the right time, put in the plate. Now Jacob would prefer that I give him coins over dollars any day, don't know why but for some reason he thinks the change is better. But coins would bring on a whole new set of problems, so I stick with the paper. Anyway, a couple of Sundays ago at the beginning of church I give Jacob and Madison their money. Jacob folds up his dollar and tucks it into his pocket. Madison, wanting to do exactly what her big brother does, takes her money and rolls it up in this half crooked fold and begins to search frantically for her pocket. When she doesn't find one, she does what any good southern young lady would do, she stuffs it in the front of her dress and then goes about her coloring. While I am doing the church snicker, I flash back to Sunday mornings as a kid with my grandmother when she would stuff her tithe in the front her dress, along with her house keys. Who knew you could put so much stuff up there with out it looking awkward? Guess Madison gets that from Mama Pearl.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

May the Force Be With You

A couple of weekends ago, a friend of ours scored us some sweet tickets to the Barons game. We usually go to a couple games each year but this time was a little unusual. Michael told me earlier in the week that there was going to be some type of Star Wars thing going on that night at the stadium and all I could picture in my head was the time that we went to Atlanta and stayed in the same hotel as the Star Trek convention. Everyone was dressed up as their favorite character. It was a little odd to say the least. So I immediately think that folks will be dressed up as Yoda and Darth Vader. Well not everyone, just my sweet, Star Wars obsessed 5 year old. He wanted to wear the whole costume but it was five hundred degrees outside so I talked him into only wearing the mask and cape. He was a little Star struck (pun intended) when he saw the real DV. He wouldn't even get his picture made with him. I was able to get a picture of him and a Storm Trooper but only because the ST let Jacob see his gun.

It was a lot of fun. They did some really cool Star Wars themed things with the lineup on the jumbotron. DV even threw out the first pitch. We had a great time. Michael even caught a foul ball.