Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Home Run!

What a night! Jacob hit his first over the fence home run last night. Lemme see if I can give you the break down. First of all, our little team has been struggling this season. We've had some good plays and hits but this was the first night that everyone was "on". Our first five batters got on base, three of which had already scored when Jacob came up to bat. Then he stroked that first pitch from his Daddy and the ball went what looked to be a mile high in the air. At first I thought it was going to be just a high pop fly but then it just kept going. And going. And going. And it was gone! From that point on I don't really remember everything. I just remember running to the dugout and waiting at the gate before he ever reached third base. He was sooo excited, not to mention me and Michael. He said later that when he got to first base, Coach Robby told him to make the turn and he realized that he hit it over the fence when he saw the outfielders turn around and throw up their hands like "where's the ball?". He said then he just started "a joggin".

We ended up winning the game 21-6. It was our best game all season and all the kids got a hit. The kids really had a great time.

And just a side note: the excitement around the first home run I was prepared for but I was not prepared for all of the cash and prizes. Money. Gum. Candy. Who knew going yard could be so lucrative?

Another note: The top picture is not of the hr stroke. I was too busy keeping the book to be taking pictures. Plus, even if I would've had my camera ready I wouldn't have even been able to take the pic. I was shaking so hard that I couldn't even write, much less take a picture.

1 comment:

Regina said...

I'm so proud for Jacob! That is sooo exciting! Samuel is still waiting for his "out of the parker".