Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Jacob Funny

Wow! I know...two posts in one day. But I just had to write this down before I forgot. Yesterday while picking up Jacob and Jack from preschool I hear that my 5 year old son is getting married! Yep, seems that Jacob has a girlfriend and they are getting married. Her name is Morgan. And not only that, after they get married they are going to have a baby. And it's a girl. What's even funnier is the length to which they have planned. You see Morgan has a sister named Madison. So the baby will have two Aunt Madisons. But have no fear they have already figured out that one will be called Aunt Madison and the other will be called Aunt Maddie! I asked Jacob when they were planning on getting married and he said they would wait until they had "grown up". I was glad to hear that! This morning I was telling Michael about the whole marriage thing and Jacob looks at me and says "we're just practicing right now"!

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