Just call me Chad...
At our house High School Musical 2 is BIG! Jacob and Madison both LOVE IT! Jacob is really into Troy, even wants to dress like him in his black wind pants and black shirt. Maddie loves to hear the music and dance. Jacob even knows some of the moves to the dances (Maddie tries to follow along, too, which makes for some great entertainment at the house). So needless to say we watch HSM2 a lot! My favorite part is the baseball scene when Ryan is trying to get Chad to be in the year end musical and Chad refuses, saying "I don't dance".I love the song. Like the beat, like the lyrics, and it has a baseball theme. Why wouldn't I love it? It's one of those songs that you can't sit still when you hear it. Michael, being the one who has to find fault with every TV show or movie, is not a big fan of the scene. Too many errors in the scene. I'll have to admit there are some aspects of the scene that are a bit "off". Besides the obvious ones, the fact that all through the movie Chad dances but all of a sudden he "don't dance". Cracks me up. But never would I have ever dreamed that I, too, would share Chad's sentiments. Not with dancing. With singing. Sunday morning after church, our worship leader, Tom, made a comment to me that I should start singing with the praise team at church. My reply was, you guessed it, "I DON'T SING". I couldn't believe that those words came out of my mouth. I mean I sing, but I don't SING. I don't read music. I'm not an alto. I'm not a soprano. I am a follower. I sing whatever I hear. Sometimes its alto, soprano, tenor, harmony, whatever. A lot of times its all of those in one song. I just follow along. And I'm not saying it's good (just glad that God's ears aren't like ours.) Obviously Tom has never sat in front of me at church or he would have probably agreed with me.
As many times as I have seen the movie I never understood what Chad was saying...until Sunday. Now I totally get "I Don't Dance".